Become a Job Developer and create jobs. RUB Work scientists start EU project to set an impulse fighting youth unemployment.
Discover local employment opportunities, create jobs and develop one’s own talents for new job opportunities: to contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment in Europe, work scientists from the Ruhr University Bochum want to follow this approach. Therefore they have joined forces with the SHS foundation/minipreneure gGmbH that was founded by Peter Hartz and experienced partner institutions in Europe.
Analysing labor markets and discovering talents
The aim of the project is to train Job Developers who subsequently act as multipliers and support adolescents and young people from Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Hungary and Bulgaria to conduct an analysis of requirements of the local labor markets. For instance, the young people look at the demand for services in their environment and assess with which offer they can address potential employers. The Job Developers also help the adolescents to become aware of their talents and interests and to find out which jobs they are especially well suited for. The respective talent diagnosis consists of different suitability diagnostic and co-creative procedures.
Detecting labor market potential
The joint project Job Developer: from job creation to competence development is funded with approx. 450 000 Euro from the EU program “Erasmus+” and managed by Dr Martin Kröll, RUB-Institute for Work Science. The scientists cooperate with institutions from Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Hungary and Bulgaria. “We want to contribute to the discovery of new employment opportunities through a certified qualification program and the implementation of innovative concepts“, says Dr. Martin Kröll. The Job Developers receive a certificate that documents their new type of qualifications. The participating adolescents are supported in creating jobs and in developing new skills.
Synchronising labour market requirements and further training measurements
The qualification Job Developer is targeted to be established in the individual EU countries as a recognised certification program. „We hope that the training of the multipliers leads to a profitable learning effect on all sides. Our aim is to establish structures in the participating countries that consolidate the implementation of the concepts“, says Martin Kröll. On the basis of gained experience within the course of the project, self-learning modules will be developed. In the evaluation of the project, the reviewers especially praised the cooperation and exchange of the international partners with regard to the local implementation and adjustment of the concepts.
International partners
The partners in Greece are the management consultancy eniochos.CONSULTING and the Technology Park of Crete that belongs to FORTH, the biggest research center in Greece. In Spain the European Centre of Enterprises and Innovation of Murcia (CEEIM) is participating in the project. In Hungary the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Pécs and the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Gabrovo in Bulgaria as well as the Lithuanian Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Crafts in Vilnius could be won for the project.